Diesel Forklift FD20/25/40E Zoomlion

Brand : Zoomlion

Model : Diesel Forklift

Type : FD20/25/40E

Rated Capacity : 2.000 Kg – 3.500 Kg

Engine : XC490BPG


SPESIFIKASI Diesel Forklift FD20/25/40E Zoomlion

FITUR Diesel Forklift FD20/25/40E Zoomlion :

Safe & Green

  • Protective measures are provided for the parking brake.
  • The vehicle emission complies with the latest Chinese environmental protection standard.
  • The grid type roof is employed so that the operation field of sight is excellent and reliability is extraordinary.
  • The fork carrier made of J-type steel channels with composite rollers is used for vehicles of 2-3.5t to stabilize the starting and provide high strength.2.

Advanced design

  • The running speed is increased and operation efficiency is improved.
  • The tail of the counterweight sees a ventilation area that is increased by 10% to further facilitate the cooling.
  • The sedan-type double-handle combination switch is configured to ease and facilitate the operation.
  • Connections between steering axle and frame are shock-absorption treated, lowering the vehicle vibration by 30%.
  • Compared with vehicles of the same series of other brands. This vehicle enjoys great weight, stronger load-bearing capability and high cost performance.
  • The vertical buffer function is designed for the lifting system so as to effectively decrease the impact and shock of the mast.

Comfortable & practical

  • The vehicle is applied with brand new coating with a fresh and attractive tone. The color is matched more reasonably and delighting.
  • The wide steps and broad driving space is provided to decrease the fatigue due to operation by legs.
  • The middle exhaust tailpipe is installed to effectively prevent dust raising due to low exhaust.
  • Conical sealing is adopted for the rubber pipes and joints in the hydraulic lines, which enjoys satisfactory sealing effect and no oil leak for long.
  • The control stick arrangement is optimized with brand new control handle and wide operation space, making operation more comfortable.
Specifications Unit FD20E FD25E FD30E FD33E FD35E FD40E
1 Characteristics Power diesel diesel diesel diesel diesel diesel
2 Rated Capacity kg 2000 2500 3000 3300 3500 4000
3 Center of load mm 500 500 500 500 500 500
4 Lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
5 Free lifting height mm 135 135 145 145 85
6 Forks L×W×H mm 1070x122x40 1070x122x40 1070x125x45 1220x125x45 1070x125x45 1070x125x50
7 Tilt Forward/Backward 6/12 6/12 6/12 6/12 6/12 6/12
8 Min.turning radius mm 2240 2240 2400 2445 2445 2700
9 Min.ground clearance(Mast) mm 110 110 110 110 110 120
10 Overhead guard height mm 2120 2120 2138 2138 2138 2090
11 Height from seat to overhead guard mm 943 943 943 943 943 1005
12 Front overhang mm 473 473 483 483 483 500
13 Performance Max.traveling speed(loaded) km/h 19 19 20 20 20 19.5
14 Max.lifting speed(loaded/empty) mm/s 470/510 470/510 470/520 470/520 470/520 415/440
15 Drawbar pull/Gradeability kN/% 17/20 17/20 18/20 18/20 18/20 20/20
16 Dimensions Overall length (without fork) mm 2570 2570 2695 2745 2700 2930
17 Overall width mm 1175 1175 1230 1230 1230 1410
18 Mast lowered height mm 1990 1990 2055 2645 2055 2155
19 Mast extended height mm 4000 4000 4256 4255 4255 4275
20 Chassis Tire Front 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 28×9-15-12PR 28×9-15-12PR 28×9-15-12PR 250-15-160PR
21 Rear 6.00-9-10PR 6.00-9-10PR 6.50-10-10PR 6.50-10-10PR 6.50-10-10PR 6.50-10-10PR
22 Wheelbase mm 1600 1600 1700 1700 1700 1900
23 Tread width Front/Rear mm 970/970 970/970 1000/970 1000/970 1000/970 1160/1065
24 Curb weight None-load kg 3350 3750 4350 4850 4850 5300
25 Powertrain Battery Voltage/Capacity V/Ah 12/90 12/90 12/90 12/90 12/90 12/90
26 Engine Model XC490BPG XC490BPG XC490BPG XC490BPG XC495BPG XC498BPG
27 Rated power kw/r.p.m 37/2650 37/2650 37/2650 37/2650 42/2650 45/2500
28 Rated torque Nm/r.p.m 148/2000 148/2000 148/2000 148/2000 174/2000 193/1600-1800
29 Cylinder amount 4 4 4 4 4 4
30 Bore×Stroke mm 90×100 90×100 90×100 90×100 95×105 98×105
31 Displacement 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.98 3.168
32 Fuel tank L 60 60 70 70 70 80
33 Transmission 1/1 automatic transmission
34 Working pressure MPa 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

Hastag :

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Unit Baru :

Lamanya warranty atau garansi yang diberikan kepada setiap unit adalah 2000 HM atau 1 tahun dan mana yang tercapai terlebih dahulu
Warranty berlaku apabila terjadi kerusakan komponen yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan Pabrik
Warranty mencakup semua komponen kecuali parts:
Consumable goods
Electrical component
Warranty tidak berlaku pada kesalahan dalam pengoperasian seperti:
Kesalahan operator
Kesalahan penggunaan

Unit Second ( Bekas ) :

Lamanya warranty atau garansi yang diberikan kepada setiap unit 1 bulan terhitung mulai dari pengiriman (S&K berlaku)
Warranty berlaku apabila terjadi kerusakan komponen yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan pabrik
Warranty mencakup semua komponen kecuali parts:
Consumable goods
Electrical component
Warranty tidak berlaku pada kesalahan dalam pengoperasian seperti:
Kesalahan operator
Kesalahan penggunaan


ASS 1 : 250 HM atau 1 bulan ( mana yang tercapai terlebih dahulu ), Pergantian : Oil filter
ASS 2 : 500 HM atau 3 bulan ( atau mana yang tercapai terlebih dahulu, Pergantian : Oil filter, fuel filter
ASS 3 : 1000 HM atau 6 bulan ( mana yang tercapai terlebih dahulu ), Pergantian : Oil filter, fuel filter, hydraulic filter

PT Multi Equipindo Support melayani pengadaan unit baru / second, service, sparepart dan rental forklift, reach truck, tow tractor, stacker, pallet truck untuk berbagai daerah di Indonesia, Diantaranya :

Pulau Sumatra (Banda Aceh, Langsa, Lhokseumawe, Meulaboh, Sabang, Subulussalam, Padang, Medan, Tebing Tinggi, Padang Sidempuan, Padang Panjang, Pematang Siantar, Tanjung Balai, Solok, Bukit Tinggi, Lubuk Linggau, Pagar Alam, Gunung Sitoli, Tanjung Balai, Sibolga, Bangka Belitung, Batam, Pangkal Pinang, Bengkulu, Pekanbaru, Dumai, Riau, Prabumulih, Jambi, Palembang, Bandar Lampung).

Pulau Jawa (Banten, Cilegon, Serang, Pandeglang, Rangkasbitung, Tangerang, Jakarta, Bekasi, Kawasan MM2100 Cibitung, Kawasan Industri Jababeka Cikarang, Kawasan Loppo Cikarang, Kawasan KIIC Karawang, Kawasan Suryacipta Karawang, Kawasan Bukit Indah City Cikampek, Purwakarta, Sumedang, Bogor, Depok, Cimahi, Banjarnagara, Bandung, Cianjur, Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Indramayu, Cirebon, Magelang, Solo, Purwodadi, Pekalongan, Purwokerto, Bojonegoro, Salatiga, Surakarta, Bantul, Belitar, Semarang, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Kediri, Madiun, Malang, Mojokerto, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan).

Pulau Madura (Bangkalan, Sumenep, Sampang, Pamekasan, Bali, Denpasar).

Pulau Kalimantan (Bengkayang, Kapuas Ulu, Kayong Utara, Ketapang, Kubu Raya, Landak, Melawi, Mempawah, Sambas, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang, Pontianak, Singkawang, Balangan, Banjar, Barito Kuala, Hulu Sungai Selatan, Hulu Sungai Tengah, Hulu Sungai Utara, Kota Baru, Tabalong, Tanah Bumbu, Tanah Laut, Tapin, Banjar Baru, Banjarmasin, Barito Selatan, Barito Timur, Barito Utara, Gunung Mas, Kapuas, Katingan, Kota Waringin Barat, Kota Waringin Timur, Lamandau, Murung Raya, Pulau Pisau, Sukamara, Seruyan, Palangkaraya, Berau, Kutai Barat, Kutai Kertanegara, Kutai Timur, Mahakam Ulu, Paser, Penajam Paser Utara, Balikpapan, Bontang, Samarinda, Bulungan, Malinau, Nunukan, Tana Tidung, Tarakan).

Pulau Sulawesi (Makassar, Manado, Kendari, Palu, Gorontalo, Bitung, Palopo, Baubau, Parepare, Kota Mobagu).

Pulau Maluku (Namlea, Namrole, Dobo, Tiakur, Masohi, Langgur, Saumlaki, Piru, Bula, Ambon Tual, Ternate, Tidore, Bima, Mataram, Kupang).

Pulau Papua (Agats, Biak, Tanah Merah, Tigi, Kigamani, Sugapa, Sentani, Wamena, Waris, Serui, Tiom, Burmeso, Kobakma, Kepi, Merauke, Timika, Nabire, Kenyam, Enarotali, Oksibil, Ilaga, Kota Mulia, Sarmi, Sorendiweri, Kurubaga, Botawa, Sumohai, Elelim, Sorong, Jayapura).

Kami menyediakan berbagai attachment forklift seperti Paper Roll Clamp, Bale Clamp, Side sifter, Hinged fork, Puspull, Doubledeep, Bucket, Rotating Fork, Fork Stabilizer, Ram Fork, Fork Shoes, Drum Clamp. Brand attachment yang kami support adalah Wagger, Casecade, Meyer, Kaup, Bolzoni Auronamo, Longhe, Riggerte.